Customer Service * 1. How professional is our company? Extremely professional Very professional Moderately professional Slightly professional Not at all professional Make A Selection * 2. How convenient is our company to use? Extremely convenient Very convenient Moderately convenient Slightly convenient Not at all convenient Make A Selection * 3. Compared to our competitors, is our product quality better, worse, or about the same? Much better Somewhat better Slightly better About the same Slightly worse Somewhat worse Much worse Make a selection * 4. Compared to our competitors, are our prices more reasonable, less reasonable, or about the same? Much more reasonable Somewhat more reasonable Slightly more reasonable About as reasonable Slightly less reasonable Somewhat less reasonable Much less reasonable Make a selection * 5. How well do the customer service representatives at our company answer your questions? Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all well Make A Selection Page 1 out of 2
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